
It all started when Nick and Jackson, the original hosts, were brainstorming ideas for a show. They settled on fake news, but were then cautioned about the dangerous FCC and what they may think about fake news. Nick and Jackson then decided to switch to random, funny news, all while retaining their name, inspired by America's #1 Fake News Source. Thus The Rutabaga was born. Nick and Jackson enjoyed a wonderful first year, gaining the spot of Most Listened to show on the 889 The Bridge Soundcloud. All was right in the world and The Rutabaga's were content with their two man army. At the start of the new school year, Jackson was nowhere to seen. This sent Nick into a panic. Jackson's absence was unexplained and remains a mystery to this day. Nick combated the momentary loss of a friend and idol, and recruited a stray named Fenway, rendered showless after his old show was cancelled due to a member quitting the force. Nick knew that Fenway alone wasn't enough to match the pure hilarity and raw power Jackson brought to the show, so he also enlisted McLean, a veteran showhopper with over 5 shows to his name. They despaired as the original sophistication of The Rutabaga was brought to a primal state. But, in the show's eleventh hour, Jackson resurfaced from his travels to the far corners of the world and revived The Rutabaga. Soon the show was restored to its formal glory, once again acheiving the top spot on Soundcloud. Now a new saga begins, and The Rutabaga braves new lands with the usage of Transistor and Spotify. But through it all, one thing remained constant. The Rutabaga was still Loud, Annoying, Fun, and Boring. So much so that The Rutabaga has been nominated by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System for the Best Comedy Show Golden Microphone award. Did they win it? Who knows? Find out soon, on The Rutabaga (Update: we got robbed of the award).